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Selectmen Minutes 03/04/2014
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Member Present: Jeffrey Jordan, Richard DeBold, Michael Paveglio, Town Administrator Jodi Pinard

Others Present: Philip Hitchcock, Tom Houlne, Jason Weir, Allan Mayville, Lucille Noel

Call to Order: Mr. Jordan called the meeting to order 7:00pm.


Executive Councilor Christopher Pappas
Thank you for making so time for me I will be brief. I am the Executive Councilor for District 4. I want to make sure you know I am here to assist you. I just wanted to give you quick update on what the council is doing. We make all appointments for the state of NH. We installed nine new judges. One resident of Chichester was suited as a judge. The other thing we do is vote and approve on contracts for the state. We have a good group of councilors. I do receive calls from constituents. We do work on the 10 year transportation plan as well. Transportation dollars are very slim at this point. We did work with the regional planning commissions to assist us in the making the decision on the plan. We prioritize the plan in regards to safety. King Road and Route 4 has been mentioned as a dangerous intersection. If I can be helpful I am more than happy to assist you.

Richard DeBold stated Canterbury Road is in need of attention and the state as it is supposed to be responsible for it. The state owns the middle section of the roadway. Mr. DeBold asked Mr. Pappas to take a ride down Canterbury Road so that he would see what the town is talking about.

Mr. Paveglio stated that we spend a lot of time to reduce the speed limit on Route 4. We have a significant amount of accidents on that roadway. There is a lot of traffic on that road and we just want to have it addressed.

Mr. Pappas stated that the way Route 106 was addressed was by having the people heard at a public meeting with all necessary parties there to listen.

Mr. DeBold stated another intersection is Main Street and Route 28 that is another bad one in Chichester.

Mr. Pappas thanked the selectmen for having him and said that he would head over to Canterbury Road.

Voluntary Mergers
Jason Weir – I just purchased property on Main St and the parcels were part of a voluntary lot mergers. The previous owner went to planning board and requested a voluntary merger. To undue this it is the selectmen that can approve this. I want to put another lot back on the tax rolls. You can approve it or you can send me to the planning board to go through subdivision approval. I have read the RSA and it does not specify how the town has to do it. I would like the board to look into this and direct me as to how we can undue this.

Mr. DeBold stated that the town would look into it and get back to Mr. Weir.

General Business/Board Discussion:

Fee Schedule
Mrs. Pinard presented the existing fee schedule. This has not been updated since 2010. The selectmen requested this be sent to the Planning Board for review and possible raise driveway permit fee. Bring back for discussion at the 18th meeting.

Outstanding Items:
Purchasing Policy Review
The selectmen reviewed the purchasing policy edits and requested on change under the emergency procurement section. This will be reviewed at the meeting on the 18th.

New Hire Policy Draft
The selectmen reviewed the new hire policy edits and requested an addition to the first sentence. This will be reviewed at the meeting on the 18th.

Employee Performance Evaluation Policy Draft
Mrs. Pinard informed the board of the about training that is available.

Public Input

Doug Hall stated the Nate Cyr has taken the training for moderators. He will come Tuesday for the balloting and I will appoint him as assist moderator. On Saturday the opening of the meeting is the announcement of the balloting from the school and the town. The issue is the Saturday meeting is recessed on Tuesday and continued. If I swear Nate in on Saturday he will jump in on Saturday after I swear him in. Assuming he is elected he would take over the meeting at that point. We will talk on Tuesday and go over what he needs to do on Saturday. That is the plan at this point. He wants to do and you know that I ready to move on. He will introduce himself to everyone once he is sworn in.
Mr. Jordan stated that Mr. Hall will be missed as he is a great leader.

Mr. Hitchcock asked about the listing of boards and when that would be available for the public. He also asked how the selectmen would decide that what committees they serve on.
Lucille Noel asked if any of the department heads had responded regarding the excess items upstairs. Mrs. Pinard had informed that no one had.

Lucille Noel also stated that the library received a quote from LeBlanc Heating for the additional heat duct work. This would make is zoned heat with the capability of heating the garage in the future if these was a need. This would take care of the issue and plan for the future. We are looking for more heating contractors to bid the job.

Parking at the School
A letter from the fire department was received by the selectmen from Deputy Chief Matt Cole. The selectmen requested to have the letter come from Chief Quimby

Agricultural Committee
The Garden Club & Agricultural Commission have partnered to present a "Backyard Farming" lecture series.  Our first guest speaker on March 26, 2014, is UNH professor and author Dr. John E. Carroll.  He will be speaking on the last of his trilogy entitled "The Real Dirt: Toward Food Sufficiency and Farm Sustainability in New England."

A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Paveglio  to adjourn the meeting at 8:18pm. Motion Passes

Respectfully submitted,

Not approved until signed

Jodi Pinard, Town Administrator                                                                 
Jeffrey Jordan  Richard DeBold  D. Michael Paveglio